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Health – Kalakankar Foundation
Rajbhavan, Kalakankar, Uttar Pradesh, India info@kalakankarfoundation.com +9111-24642406

We believe in the principle of BE THE CHANGE, our reach is the greatest when we work together. Our cause is the strongest when we share the purpose.


At KALAKANKAR, we have been operating a major health care initiative since 2000.

Our health care outreach focuses on preventative care and also on disability across the region and making people empowered even if the suffer from disability or physical impairment. Helping people with their survival so they can contribute for the better development of the society.

Medical Camps

 At the camp we provide basic treatment and general checkup to help people to be aware of their health status.

 A team of well-known physicians, dentist, dermatologists and general practice doctors attended the camp. The doctors examined each patient one by one, diagnosing all weaknesses and illnesses.

 Providing the disable with prosthetics, wheelchairs, hearing aids so as to help them make a living and not letting their standard of living degrade.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Our sanitation campaign focuses to ensure sanitation facilities in rural areas to eradicate open defecation.

Our goal is to ensure availability of better sanitation methods for every citizen which in turn helps decrease the rate of diseases significantly. We know that our water and sanitation work has greater impact and is more sustainable in long-run if it is integrated into the health, education and livelihood sectors.