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Kalakankar Foundation – 20 Years of Service to the Underprivelaged
Rajbhavan, Kalakankar, Uttar Pradesh, India info@kalakankarfoundation.com +9111-24642406


Started in the year 2000, Kalakankar Foundation primarily focuses on the upliftment of the people of Pratapgarh from socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society. The aim of this organization is to help make the society better and increase the standard of living.


Kalakankar Foundation is the modern step of keeping up the tradition of philanthropy. It aids the people in keeping their work abreast with the times and provides a platform to show their talent.

Our Founders

A Short Video On Our Chairperson

Under our new initiative we plan to distribute solar lanterns to the weaker sections in villages which have never seen electricity. Our NGO would like to distribute solar lanterns to BPL Card Holders, women and minorities etc.

Our Focus

Rural poverty alleviation has been the primary concern in the economic planning and development process of the country. Rural development which encompasses the entire range of improvement in the overall quality of life in the rural areas can be achieved through eradication of poverty in rural areas.

PRATAPGARH is an agrarian district. For the development and progress of our district we provide the underprivileged and downtrodden people with basic amenities such as vaccine and other healthcare facilities along with electricity and basic sanitation. We have been giving the physically challenged appliances such as hearing aids, tri cycles etc.

Empowering Women & Girl Child

Vocational Training Centers: These training setups help the women and girls to be self-independent. Believing in the power of women and helping them seek the urge to learn. We as an organization have seen increase in the number of women who have joined these centers grow in the past few years.

As farming is the main source of income, we opened a farming school so as to educate women free of cost, so that they can also contribute to the income of the family.