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Education & Life Skills – Kalakankar Foundation
Rajbhavan, Kalakankar, Uttar Pradesh, India info@kalakankarfoundation.com +9111-24642406

Education and Life Skills

Education plays a huge role in helping one craft one’s future. The culture of Pratapgarh is based on HINDI LITERATURE. PRATAPGARH is also known as the literary Hindi heartland.

Our organization KALAKANKAR helps children and adults seek the power of knowledge and to thrive for excellence. RAJKUMARI RATNA SINGH also believes in the guiding principle to learn and with our organization has contributed to the sector of education in different aspects.


Kalakankar Foundation presents “Whiz Kid Competition” organized by the mother son duo Rajkumari Ratna Singh and Bhuvanyu Singh.

The mission of WHIZ KID COMPETION is to encourage emerging talent and promote being aware through its competition structure.

THE WHIZ KID COMPETITION was founded by our foundation and has steadily grown in stature and prestige. A platform for students of all age groups to participate and show case their true skills in a number of exams held.


Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.


KALAKANKAR works with people from vulnerable backgrounds, so as to help them engage with the world by making the right choices so as to overcome any adversity and help them choose a healthy and a successful life and also engages with communities to help them develop their own solution to local problems.